A checklist to help you navigate the logistics, stress, & feels
Your first year with
This is not how a diagnosis should go. I've spent the last 6 years working in the diabetes space, trying to build something different. I want to share what I’ve learned along the way, and bring more ease to your journey.
I know first-hand the sleepless nights, the bathroom tears, and the sudden fear of going to an event across town. We're asked to learn a TON of information, and it can feel overwhelming and lonely. And, the cold and messy healthcare system doesn't always help.
Welcome! I'm Mandy. 
I've lived with Type 1 for 10 years
that's a bit more in-tune than the pamphlet you'll find in the waiting room
A simple but holistic checklist
prioritizing basics in the big learning curve
navigating the healthcare system
thinking about self-care to stay grounded